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November 09, 2004


Dean Esmay

It gives meaning to their otherwise dull and colorless lives.

Eric Blair

"...banging Bush day in and day out is the best pussy they've ever had."

Heh. Nice one.


yeah, the bush haters have nothing better to do.

they should go out and protest whale raping or something, hopefully they will all be shot with bean bags and teargas

bored and snarky

Meanwhile we'll see how long the bush crowd will try to blame clinton for all of their idiocy.

But people complaining about a president who didn't crack down on _turture_?? 'Those irrational Bush haters, I'm so distressed.'


Bored and snarky,

A more accurate name for you would be boring and snarky.

There has been blowback from the Clinton years-- there is no denying that. I'd argue that 9-11 was a part of Bill's legacy.

I don't say that with joy or to shift blame. It just is -- no matter how you define is.

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